VDAB’s first steps on TikTok together with Fullsend.

Reaching our youth

What's this about?

VDAB is a very important organisation for our young adults because it helps them find their first job or supports them in that search if it is not going so smoothly.

But because it gets increasingly difficult to reach our young generation through the usual platforms, they came to us asking if we could help them to connect with young graduates or school leavers on TikTok.

The goal: to show Flemish school-leavers what VDAB can do for them.

So together with VDAB we set up a first test campaign on TikTok to reach this generation and speak their language which due to its success was soon followed by a follow-up campaign.

This is wat we did:

Launch campaign:

Since TikTok Flanders (age 18-24) is not that big, we devised a strategy to combat ad fatigue. We did this by creating 3 phases which were: Awareness-, Exploration- and subscription-focused.

For the creatives, we reverse engineered from what already worked on TIkTok (trends, formats, AR effects, …) and implemented them in our creative ideas to show VDAB’s services in a TikTok proof way.

Follow-up campaign

Here we wanted to create interaction and motivate others to co-create with VDAB. So we launched an AR effect called “which job suits me”. This effect consisted of all kinds of bottleneck jobs that VDAB is hugely responsible for filling in, and some fun additions to make the filter extra fun.


Launch campaign

These creatives were made both in-house, as well as through external (influencer) content creators

This rollout was 100% done through ads.


Follow-up campaign

The creative concept here was very straight forward. Use the TikTok effect, get a job result and then show how you’d perform in that specific job. 

A simple format for others to join in on the co-creation part in different ways!

This roll-out was done through VDAB’s own TikTok account, creators accounts, Spark Ads to leverage the organic content & paid traffic advertisements.

Wondering what we can do together? Let's talk!